Fantasy Art

King Harold at the Battle of Hastings

King Harold's fame endures, and each year flowers and floral tributes are left on The Haroldstone at Battle Abbey

This stone marks the spot where Harold fell along with his huscarls and brave men of the fyrds.

Remembrance services are held,some in the original Old English, both Heathens and Christians alike give honour to

the last English King. Tellingly Duke William has no such tributes from English men and women.


Title below the picture shown in ROMAN LETTERING.

Size:12" wide x 16.5" high ( 21.5 cms wide x 42 cms high )

Price ( Includes p & p)

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Fantasy Artwork by Mark Taylor

Mark Taylor went to Ravenswood School in Kent with, amongst others, David Bowie and Peter Frampton.

He enjoyed his time in the very first specialised school-based art form from where he progressed to study fine art at Croydon College Of Art.

His paintings have been internationally exhibited and featured on BBC programmes such as Country Tracks and The One Show.He has recently had his work displayed in a feature article in 'Pagan Dawn' magazine.

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