Fantasy Art

Staffordshire Hoard. Two Eagles With Fish

24 carat gold leaf on red leather covered plaque

Two Eagles With Fish. Staffordshire Hoard treasure-my interpretation


Once again I have looked with amazement and awe at what our ancestors had achieved using very simple tools and relying upon charcoal fires to create a high enough temperature to work with gold and impregnate garnets into the sophiosticated design of two eagles with a fish between them. I trust I have done them justice.I have used moulded resin overlaid with 24 carat gold leaf mounted on a red natural leather wall mounting.

Size 10"/25 cms width .Materials: gold leaf over resin moulding,red leather shield mounting,gold effect upholstery tacks

Price includes p&p

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24 carat gold leaf on red leather covered plaque

Two Eagles With Fish. Staffordshire Hoard treasure-my interpretation


Once again I have looked with amazement and awe at what our ancestors had achieved using very simple tools and relying upon charcoal fires to create a high enough temperature to work with gold and impregnate garnets into the sophiosticated design of two eagles with a fish between them. I trust I have done them justice.I have used moulded resin overlaid with 24 carat gold leaf mounted on a red natural leather wall mounting.

Size 10"/25 cms width .Materials: gold leaf over resin moulding,red leather shield mounting,gold effect upholstery tacks

Price includes p&p

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Fantasy Artwork by Mark Taylor

Mark Taylor went to Ravenswood School in Kent with, amongst others, David Bowie and Peter Frampton.

He enjoyed his time in the very first specialised school-based art form from where he progressed to study fine art at Croydon College Of Art.

His paintings have been internationally exhibited and featured on BBC programmes such as Country Tracks and The One Show.He has recently had his work displayed in a feature article in 'Pagan Dawn' magazine.

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